Aleksandra Letty De Rosa
I am sorry to anybody who hates hearing about babies and the life they lead. Because I am telling you in advance that the next couple of blogs will be filled with baby info. OK so our baby is finally here and I couldn't be more happier. We ended up naming her Aleksandra Letty De Rosa. Here first name is after my grandma Aragon who's name is Sandra, and the spelling is also Polish. Mike served a mission there and we decided to incorporate both. Then her middle name is Letty, after Mike's grandma. Her name seems to fit her perfectly, every time I look at her I know she is for sure an Aleksandra. Anyway let me tell the story of here coming into this world.
Remember how stubborn I told you she was, because I tried everything to get her out. Well she ended up coming May 3, 2009 five days after her due date. I was scheduled for an inducing on Monday, if she didn't come that weekend. So I was relieved she came before I had to be induced. Anyway I started to get contractions on Saturday they where not to strong, but enough to bug me. So I called up my Mom and she decided to come up just in case because she didn't want to miss the birth. My Mom raced up to SLC and she calmed me down, got me a Slurpee, and just made me at ease. By 11pm that night the contractions where getting worse so I finally I decided to head to the hospital. Apparently my contractions where not strong enough and I was sent home with a morphine shot on my bum. We get home around 3 am and still the pain is not going away. I slept for a little but not enough to make me pleasant! I lived in the bath tub the next 10 hours and life as it seemed was awful. The contractions where getting worse and worse. But I was determined to wait out my time at home instead of the hospital.
Finally when the pain got to bad and I thought I couldn't take it anymore. The funny thing is by the time I get to the hospital I am only dilated to a 5. Only half way there, but still far long enough to get an epidural. Why I say its funny is that some women don't do an epidural and make it all the way through labor and delivery all the way to a ten. And I was dieing just at a five, honestly I could never do it natural. More power to the women who can do it that way! Anyway what seemed like hours which was only 20 minutes the epidural guy came, and I was never so happy to see an old man in my life. Everyone says epidurals hurt but I think contractions where so much worse. Once I got the epidural I was the nicest person on earth and I could finally relax and enjoy the last quiet moments in my life.
After the epidural I had Aleksandra in 3 hours. She came into this world at 10:21pm May 3rd. The moment I saw her my eyes burst into tears. I couldn't believe I just gave birth to this gorgeous baby girl. My life could be no greater or happier at this time (well maybe with a little bit more sleep it could). Aleksandra is a ball of joy to have and I just love her smile and cute dimples.
Life since the baby has been so different, sleepless nights, feeding the baby all the time, diapers that seem to happen after ever feeding, and my hands going numb from holding her. Time here at the De Rosa house officially runs on Aleksandra time, and I love it!
Thanks to everyone for all the phone calls, cards, and dinners. Honestly I have the most amazing ward, and tons of great people I care about. Thanks to all those wonderful ladies who took time to cook and bring us dinner. It made my life easier when I had no energy to cook. Thanks to all the family and friends who visited me at the hospital. Thanks for all the flowers they made the hospital room and our house brighter. I am truly blessed to have such amazing people in my life that care about me and my family.
Finally when the pain got to bad and I thought I couldn't take it anymore. The funny thing is by the time I get to the hospital I am only dilated to a 5. Only half way there, but still far long enough to get an epidural. Why I say its funny is that some women don't do an epidural and make it all the way through labor and delivery all the way to a ten. And I was dieing just at a five, honestly I could never do it natural. More power to the women who can do it that way! Anyway what seemed like hours which was only 20 minutes the epidural guy came, and I was never so happy to see an old man in my life. Everyone says epidurals hurt but I think contractions where so much worse. Once I got the epidural I was the nicest person on earth and I could finally relax and enjoy the last quiet moments in my life.
After the epidural I had Aleksandra in 3 hours. She came into this world at 10:21pm May 3rd. The moment I saw her my eyes burst into tears. I couldn't believe I just gave birth to this gorgeous baby girl. My life could be no greater or happier at this time (well maybe with a little bit more sleep it could). Aleksandra is a ball of joy to have and I just love her smile and cute dimples.
Life since the baby has been so different, sleepless nights, feeding the baby all the time, diapers that seem to happen after ever feeding, and my hands going numb from holding her. Time here at the De Rosa house officially runs on Aleksandra time, and I love it!
Thanks to everyone for all the phone calls, cards, and dinners. Honestly I have the most amazing ward, and tons of great people I care about. Thanks to all those wonderful ladies who took time to cook and bring us dinner. It made my life easier when I had no energy to cook. Thanks to all the family and friends who visited me at the hospital. Thanks for all the flowers they made the hospital room and our house brighter. I am truly blessed to have such amazing people in my life that care about me and my family.