

 Before and After
I hate a mullet on my kid, so I figured it was time for a haircut.
It's now cut into a cute little bob.
I love it. 
Now her sides are even with the back
and now we can begin to grow it out a little.

Valentine Craft

This sinple cupcake wreathe took less then 30 minutes to make,
and I had a blast shopping and crafting with Karie.
Now the result is an amazing Valentine wreathe.
Thanks Karie for your amazing idea, and hanging out with me.
The finished produced.


Music Together

Go here to check out Aleksandra at her music class.
It's the closest thing we will EVER have to fame.
Here is the website 
And if you go here you can get a free class at the imagination place.
And plus it's free and something to do!

Silly Hubby

Let me set up this story for you which I find really funny.
Last night at 3:30AM I hear Aleksandra crying in her room.
She usually doesn't cry so I rush in there thinking something is the matter.
I get in there and she just says, "Mommy dropped light".
She had dropped her night light, see picture below of night light.
And you will see why she can actually hold a night light.
Anyway this just sets up my story.


Special Bound

These two have the most special relationship.
They love each other to no end.
Even if they fight like brother and sister.
They are really protective of one another.
I love getting these sweet moments on camera.
T helping Aleksandra across the parking lot.

Al @ 21 months

Yep this little tike keeps growing and growing. 
Soon I will have a 2 year old, (in 3 months) and I am so proud of this big girl.
She excels in so many ways it's amazing.
The doctor said she is talking right on target, which is great.
She is potty trained and no MORE diaper, Heck Yes!
She runs faster then me, ugh!
You love life, and are always such a happy baby big girl.
You love playing with kids any moment you can.
You can sing your ABC's.
You can count to 15.
You can sing twinkle twinkle little star all by yourself.
You know your colors.
You love showers, and baths.
You are doing amazing at swim lessons.
You love to sing, and love your music class.
You love reading books.
You love Mickey Mouse, and baby dolls.
You are just one happy girl, not fussy and just easy to be around.
I couldn't be happier on who you are becoming!

Really could she get any bigger??
Here are some of our fun outings with the cousins.
We went to the zoo and the Aviary with Joe and Scarlett.
And headed for a sweet treat with both my brothers and their families.
Aleksandra always loves playing with her cousins, after we leave them
she always cries for them. 
Aleksandra and Scarlett at the Zoo.



Saturday we got to celebrate our Anniversary together.
Even though Wednesday was our actually wedding Anniversary.

We dropped off Aleksandra at my brother and sister in laws for the night.
Whoop Whoop
We met up the Gowdys, to celebrate with.
We went to Sushi which is always a crowd pleaser with us 4.
We ordered a lot of Sushi and once again,
ate till our hearts and bellies where so HAPPY.


This weekend started out amazing.
We got invited to a sleepover at the Essigs
(well their parents house, since they where out of town) on Friday night.
Williams, Andersons, Essigs, and Kristen and Andrew (don't know their last name)
We ate till our hearts where content.
We play too many games.
We watched a movie, and then
Passed out a 3am.
Woke up had an amazing breakfast
And got to enjoy one another's company all morning.
I forgot how much fun sleepovers are.
Why did I ever stop having sleepovers?



This morning my sleep was interrupted by my phone ringing.
i was alarmed because it felt like the middle of the night.
and i thought, "who would be calling me in the middle of the night?"
it was a number i didn't have saved in my phone, so i quickly rejected it.
then looked at the time: 6:57.

darn you, utah winters.
you're tricky.


De Rosa Family

Here are some of our photos from our family pictures.
We had a great photographer named Travis J
The day wasn't too cold and I loved every minute, besides the heels.
Thanks everyone for matching to my crazy color request and looking amazing!

Then and Now

 then 2007- now 2011

I just had to put this side by side comparison
and see the difference 4 years makes.
In 4 years.....
We have added a baby
More then others have added pounds, lol.
Added love
Added strength and security in our marriage
And best of all we still have each other. 
I am one lucky lady.


The years keep adding up

 Happy Anniversary
We made it another year
I couldn't have done it with a better person
You know me better then anybody.
 Every year you make me a better and stronger person.
For that I owe you the world.
I love you.

My handsome husband, and one of my favorite pictures.



Happy Birthday to my Oldest Brother Joe
We Surprised him with little together with the family at his favorite resturant,
and it turned out great.
It made his eyes light up to see us all there and I couldn't be happier for that.
This brother is one special Brother to me, sorry if I turn this into something very emotional to me, but I swear that is all I have been thanks to this guy lately!
But growing up we had a really hard relationship we always struggled to find a common connection in things and we swore that we would never be friends.
Now that we have grown up and moved past silly differences we have come to find that we really love one another and in him I find a best friend, and a brother that I couldn't be happier or more glad that is apart of our family.


Open house

Sunday, was Aleksandra's preschools open house.
To say the least I was nervous.
Aleksandra on the other hand
had no idea and nerves was not an issue for her.
We had to go, and meet the Principle, the school's head of admissions and the Pastor of the church over the school pretty much
all the people that have a say in the admittance process. 

So we had to make a name for our self, and be able to stand out in the crowd.
It was quite hard, but thank goodness I have one amazing boss.
My boss met us there to help us, since she knows so many people at this school.
All I have to say is, thank goodness because that help a ton.
She is well connected, and it really makes it easy to talk to people when they can connect me to her.



We had a great night with friends,
and huge shout out to the Williams
for hosting it and having all of us over.
We love our friends so much.
All the girls, and some how we eve coordinated all wearing gray. Best part is we talk most of the night baby free it was AMAZING!


It was a smoggy, cold day here in Utah so we decided to stay in doors. 
And now that the kids are older it's so fun to try bigger kid things for them.
We tried bowling today, and it was a success.
Thanks Sarah and Malakai for a fun day.
Aleksandra and Malakai getting ready to bowl.



So we are headed back to San Francisco.
Can I get a HECK YA.
My husband really scored big with me.
When we canceled our cruise he knew I was so sad.
I think I cried for 2 days straight.
Plus I was sad I couldn't go with our friends that we just care about so much.
But he was right he couldn't miss school for that long.
Anyway so this idea of San Fran came up and we jumped on it.
We are only going for 3 days, so no school missed.
And we are excited to play and relax with friends.
So here is to February.
This was when Aleksandra was 2 months and looked like an old man, with her balding hair in San Francisco. 


Swim lessons

Aleksandra was so pumped before swim lessons, 
that is all she could talk about the whole day. 
All she wanted to be was like T, 
and now finally she gets her turn
and the moment she hits the water 
she panics.
Day 1 
of swim lesson not the greatest
but I am hoping by the end 
she will be a little fishy.
I know if I was in there by her side 
she would be doing great,
but I really like the private lesson
and someone else teaching her main concepts of swimming.
No turning back now! 
T and Aleksandra getting pumped for the lessons. Aleksandra is looking a little freaked out while T is so use to this he has been doing this since he was her age at this place. Now he can swim solo.



Party of the year, nahh the party of the century- Nick Carter
Don't actually take this quote seriously, it is after all Nick Carter
and I don't even know if I am quoting it right. 
Anyway we had a fun night playing games and chowing down food. 
We always love good company and laughter, and are grateful for amazing hosts.

Looks like we brought in 2011 in right
so here is to 2011, and what it has in store for us!

Mike's last year of school.
He will have to find a real job YEAH, bye bye retail!
Grad school applications will be going out.
We may stay in SLC or we may leave?
So many unknowns and I love it.
Thanks you 2011, we have been waiting for you!

Bringing in the new year by playing games, and eating some food.


As time would have it a new year is already here.
I realized today that my kid is 20 months exactly.
A man asked me how old she was and I had to really think about it,
 and of course I answered the wrong number because I forgot
what month and year we where in.


Helping Dad

We finally had a free moment and switched her crib to the toddler bed. In the middle of switching it we turn around and see her grab the screw driver and begin to help Daddy out. She was quite proud of herself.
Here she is helping Dad fix her bed.