As we wind up a year of breastfeeding I am thought to ponder every moment of this crazy ride I like to call Mothering and of course Aleksandra's breakfast, lunch and dinner. I remember the day it all began I hated every minute of breastfeeding. I hated the long nights of Aleksandra getting up every 3 hours to eat. I hated the fact that I would look over and my husband would be out cold while I took the reins on feeding her, it's not like Mike could do anything I just mostly envied him. Now almost a year and I am so sad to be done breastfeeding, at times anyways. Now that she is getting tons of teeth I am grateful to be wrapping this up. But I am going to miss those moments where it's just her and I and no on else can soothe her or help her like I could. I loved that it was our time to get away from everyone and everything! It was a nice escape goat when I just wanted to be selfish with Aleksandra. But I won't miss nursing bras and the fact that I always seemed to be exposed someway or another when breastfeeding. It will be missed but I am grateful I was able to breastfeed her for so long.
I was thinking of all the crazy places I have breastfeed her in the last year and here goes the list.
SLC airport
Las Vegas airpot
Chicago Airport
Atlanta Airport
NY Airport
California Airport
Arizona Airport
Washington Airport
On the Red rocks in Moab
Under the golden gate bridge in SF
Pier 39
Every restaurant booth you can imagine
Napa Valley in a winery (Super awkward)
In an Orchard in Napa Valley
On busses, trolleys, and Subways
Times Square (NY is so not kid friendly)
A Phone booth in NYC (YUCK YUCK)
In the lobby of AZ temple (that was rather interesting)
At college graduation for families
At church (Man I will not miss that nursing room)
On top of Mt. Timp
The Zoo in SLC and NY
Every Park in SLC (well that is a stretch but quite a lot)
Las Vegas (I sure made use of thos free seats at the slot machines)
Yellowstone Park
And I hope you know how hard it was to find a G rated picture of breastfeeding for this blog post on the internet. I have now seen things that no man or women should ever see like a 8 year old breastfeeding WTF who does that? Just never type in breastfeeding in google search and look up the images lol, only me!