My baby has learned to climb the stairs, well if I can even call her a baby anymore. Officially at ten months she can do quite a lot. Her favorite thing to do lately is wave hi to everyone followed by the cutest little Hi she can muster. She loves to point at everything and say that, and I quickly follow by telling her what that object is. She is also getting close to walking she pulls herself on everything and shimmies down everything. I can't keep her in one place anymore. She made her Dad quite proud by saying Daddy now it's her favorite word when Dads around. It's so fun to watch my daughter grow and learn it makes me one proud mom, oh and she can for sure say mama!
Two of her favorite things to do our go to the park and the zoo. I think we hit at least those two places at least 3 plus times a week. it keeps us busy but then we get to enjoy the animals and people plus it's a great walk. Her favorite animals are the giraffes its only because she can see them since they are so large and close

Aleksandra loves sitting in her big girl car seat, no more crying for this little one when I set her in the car. It's amazing how fast these kids want to grow up, I can't keep up.
She still takes amazing naps but if we are out to long she gets resourceful.
She loves her little twin friend so much. She just gets so excited when she sees all her baby friends.
we will have to do lots of zoo an dpark dates this summer, it will be so fun!