Yes, I am one lucky women to have a husband that would be this happy and excited to begin a family even though this family began when we didn't plan it. My husband is man of strength, laughter, joy, patience, sacrifice, honor, service, integrity, compassion, honesty, friendship, and best of all he is all mine. I could have not picked a better man for me in my life. We fit each other so well. He compliments my weakness and strengthens them. He builds my confidence when I don't always feel like the prettiest. He makes me feel of worth all the time.
I know for Aleksandra she just thinks the world of her Daddy. Those two have a bound between each other that I can't even break. all she has to say is DA DA and he comes running and she usually gets what she wants. She loves to read with him, if those two could read all day and night and I would let them, they would. She goes and picks out her book and takes it to her Dad and of course he reads it to her whenever. I know Aleksandra thinks the world of her special Dad and couldn't and wouldn't change him for anything!We have one special man in our life and our grateful for him!

The next man in our life is Mike's Dad. WE can tell you this right now this man has taught Mike everything there is to know about patience. This man is the most calm, patient, understanding, and most easiest man to talk to ever.He would give you his shoes, shirt, hat, pretty much everything off his back to make you feel at ease. The most selfless man I have ever met in my life. And I know Mike and I pray ever day that we can incorporate that into our family. He is the kind of man you look up to and always strive to be better around. He has the spirit around him 24/7. We love him so much. Aleksandra loves her Grandpa and every time she sees him she lights up with joy. She runs to him with love and can't seem to get enough of him. Pretty much we are chop liver. We are so glad she loves him so dearly and we can't wait till she can continue to grow more of a relationship with Grandpa.

This is my father, and man I love this guy! He has taught me a lot in life. I would not be the crazy, happy, outgoing, loud person I am today if it wasn't for my father (blame him)! Our family motto growing up was "Aragon's Never Give Up" as a family we have stuck to this motto through thick and thin. My father is the on who has in distilled in me this motto and it has affected my whole life. It has got me through school. jobs, family, marriage baby, church callings, and anything that seemed hard or over whelming at the moment. I am so grateful for the testimony my father has always had and has taught me to create for myself. He has been such a great example to my life.
All these wonderful men in my life have done more then they will ever know and for that I am truly grateful Happy Fathers Day 2010, We love you tons, love Hollie, Mike, and Aleksandra
What a wonderful tribute! It sounds like you have some amazing men in your life, it is so fun to express out love for those guys!