Yes I am quite proud of myself. Mike and I have been saving up for a fancy stroller, the stroller of my dreams and then I was in kid to kid and this Bob Revolution stroller caught my eye. I took a double take and ran to it, as did four other people. I threw Aleksandra in it and started strolling around the store before anybody else could claim this stroller (yes I got many evil eyes) before I decided what I was going to do. I knew this stroller was a fancy one, so I checked how much they where selling it for and I braced for the sticker shock, 75. Wow for a Bob stroller they usually retail in the four hundreds, and I also had a 25 dollar off coupon in my bag, man I am so cheap! I hurried up and called Mike and he said grab it he said we could re sale this one (make a profit) and then get the Phil and Ted stroller the stroller of my dream or maybe fall in love with this one and keep the extra money for savings. Who know what I will end up doing but I am pretty lucky to have stumbled upon this piece.
Strong work!!!