Around this time in my life I always love to re evaluate my life and make sure I am still on course on all the things I wanted in life and all the things I wanted to change in life when this accident happened. I remember when I was laying in the hospital I had had my Mom write a list of goals I wanted to work on since I was pretty much stuck for the next 6 months. I look back at that list often and use it as an outline to life and make sure that I am always sticking true to my goal list. Because I find that right there in that moment in life I was so close to HF that my list was so pure and it was dedicated to all the things that my life needs at all times.
Life can be taken from us so fast and all I want to be know for is how much I loved, served, helped, my relationship with HF, how happy I was, how much of a hard worker I was, how much I loved my husband,how much I loved Aleksandra, how much I love my parents and brothers and sisters, how may great relationships I have with friends, how I countined to strength my covenants daily. I can only work on myself everyday and I know that even if it was gone tomorrow which I hate to think about, but if it happened I know I lived life the way I would live it if I knew it was about to end in a week and that is all that matters.
I am truly grateful for the experience 5 years ago because it has strengthened me, it has made me a better person. It has taught me what relationships really matter. It lead me to my amazing husband Mike with out this silly accident I would of never met Mike (thanks Lindsay). Everything really does happen for a reason no matter how extreme or how weird something may seem.
I'm grateful that you've lowered your standards to be my friend.