When a friend asked me the other day how Mike and I met and started dating, it dawned on me, our story is becoming foggy. I figured I should probably jot it down before I totally forget and have to make something up. (I do that sometimes.) So here goes, my first attempt at journal writing by memory. if you're going to take the time to read (though I would advise otherwise), you may want to grab a snack to get you through. Don't say I didn't warn you.
The Meeting
I lived in Park City for almost 3 years and was loving every minute. The dating scene was fun and I was on top of my game ha ha (is that OK to say)?
Anyway it all began in April, April 1st to be exact and it couldn't have been a more perfect day. The sun was shinning and the weather was gorgeous. I got a call from my girlfriend Lindsay who invited me down to Salt Lake City to come to her friends Mike's house for an after General Conference Party. She told me to bring some of my other girlfriends and there would be food and it would be lots of fun.
I talked to all the girls and none of us could decided what we wanted to do. We went back and forth about 15 times if we wanted to actually go to this guy Mike's house for the After AFTER party. We sat in the Park City Smith's parking lot trying to figure what we where doing on that General Conference Sunday. We finally decided upon going down to Salt lake and sitting on the temple square and listening to Conference on the lawn (this is how perfect the day was, we where able to sit on the lawn in dresses and enjoy the sun).
After Conference ended we dragged ourselves to this so called Mike's house. I walked in with the girls thinking this was any other day and any other hanging out with friends. We came in introduced ourselves I made eye contact with Mike and he said "how you doing" in his New York accent and I melted! I said how are you and moved on to the next guy in the room I didn't want to seem to into him at all. I wanted to be coy, wink wink!
As the night progressed we all ended up in the kitchen telling jokes and laughing the night away. I kept thinking man this guy is so funny! He gets my jokes and doesn't think I need to "grow up" for my sense of humor, he just laughed with me. Oh man I was in heaven but I didn't let him know that.
As the night came to an end we exchanged phone numbers,(you always have to get something out of a party) and all of us left and hoped in the car. The moment we got in the car all the girls started going off about how much me and Mike had in common. I just laughed and tried to played it off but I couldn't get him off my mind.
So later that night I shot him a text, since to was April fools day. I text him and told him me and all my girlfriends where all sick from the food he cooked earlier that day. He FREAKED out and kept apologizing over and over. But then I had to show him who the REAL boss was and tell him April fools and that really no one was actually sick. It was awesome, from then on we have been joking ever since.
The First Date
Then a couple days later Mike asked me out on a date, and I couldn't resist. He kept it totally secret and it was killing me because I love to know everything but I love surprise so go figure.
He took me on a cute picnic that he packed all by his self. It included a salad, sandwiches, drinks, cheese, and olives. We went up little cottonwood canyon and ate our food at a little picnic bench there. It was fun to hear the water and just talk one on one and learn so much about each other.
Then we hiked to the top of Brighton, an there was still a ton of snow up there so we ended up having a snowball fight it was so cute. Mike was nice and let me win. We took pictures and kind of soaked up the moment of the beauty and quietness that was surrounding us. Then we hiked back down and drove back to his apartment in salt lake.
Back at his place we had dessert which was bananas cooked in tin foil and chocolate, peanut butter, and whipped cream on top. A new dessert for me, and way fun to eat. We ended up finishing dessert and then watched a movie and fell asleep snuggling on the couch, we where tired after our hike and snowball fight. Let it be know Mike is a HEAVY sleeper so I was quickly woken by his roommate Brian making noise in the back ground so I got up went to my car and started to drive away. I was only a minute down the road and I get a call from Mike. I start to get butterflies lol, and I answered it and it and he says "where did you go" and I reply "I couldn't sleep" but really his dumb roommate woke me up. He said he knew I left because he felt like something was missing when he was sleeping, ready cue the "awwwws"! I melted and he said come back so we could finish the date. And I am a sucker for a good looking New Yorker so I turned my car around after pretending like I didn't want to. I walked back into his apartment and we just hung out talking about so much. I knew I liked this boy a lot.
We ended up hanging out a little bit longer, but I had to go go because I had work the next day. As I was driving out of Mike's parking garage I got a text from him that said, I have a good feeling about us. I did a little chuckle and text him back, me too!
The First Kiss
Let it be known now that
Mike is SLOW, really slow....
Lets just say we didn't kiss for quite some time.
I was totally into him, and we had a lot of chemistry going.
We are totally not the couple that kisses on the first date!
I can tell Aleksandra that. YOU here that Aleksandra no kissing on the first date!!!!
Anyway he is a totally tease, he would look into my eyes and get really close to my lips
but never actually kiss me.
I swear i could kick that boy!
He said he just wanted to make sure he really really liked me before he kissed me.
But like I said I think he was just being a huge tease!
So this was are 9th date and he was up in Park City cooking me dinner.
He was cooking meatballs and pasta, umm that is why I married an Italian.
Oh and he got a shrimp tray and cheese, he really went all out.
He was cooking me dinner and kept flirting all the time.
I couldn't figure this kid out.
He seemed liked he was totally into me, but we still haven't kissed I was confused!
After we ate our amazing dinner, we where watching a movie
well mostly talking and I asked him flat out,
"Do you like me, because you haven't kissed me yet"?
And he laughed and started doing the taunting fake kiss.
And I said "Mike I will never know when you will be ready because you tease so much"
And then I turned my head all stubborn.
Then he grabbed my head and kissed me!!!
It was amazing!!!!!!
It was worth every moment of waiting.
He is one amazing kisser and the moment was too cute.
How we Became Best Friends
It happened so fast, it was in between all the time we got to spend together, and all the talking we did. I could share anything with him and I was loving every minute of it. It was fun to have my Best friend on speed dial and be able to talk to him about everything. I had on one hand the most amazing man in my life (sorry ladies) and then on the other hand I had everything in the other hand. I was on top of the world and I had my best friend with me for the ride. I was one lucky girl, and couldn't be happier. I am just happy I get to have my best friend ever day with me.
The Proposal
I knew it was coming, we had already looked at rings.
And I was just waiting and waiting totally patiently I might add LOL, ya right!
Anyway the day came and I totally had a hint but then the day and night went with no ring and I was totally bummed. I remember tucking myself into bed and thinking man I really want a ring on this finger lol. It was around 2am and all of a sudden I fell something on my hand.
I was so confused I swear I had just gone to bed.
Turns out Mike had used his key to get into my place, and sneaked into my room.
He grabbed my hand and slipped the ring onto my finger in my sleep.
I popped up looked at Mike and hugged and kissed my soon to be husband!
He told me that good things come to those who wait, and now the ring was finally there and now I can finally have a ring on my finger.
He gave the most amazing talk about our future and why he wanted to be with me.
I melted!
We talked to 4am
And quickly rushed that boy out, we where getting married in the temple after all.
We had made it that far no way where we going to mess up after I just got that ring!
I think I laid in my bed all morning just thinking of all my many blessing.
It was that moment I was in pure bliss I was so happy!
The I Love You
Once again my husband is slow....
I didn't say I didn't warn you.
I didn't say I didn't warn you.
and I bet your thinking the I love you should be before the proposal, but no not us!
So here it goes, After he already asked me to marry him. He still hadn't said I love you weird I know! Anyway so we where driving back from my parents house in the car and I look at Mike and say
"I love you" and your so silly for taking so long where engaged.
and 5 minutes, yes 5 LONG minutes go by and Mike shouts
"I love you" and I don't care anymore, and I can't hold it in.
I started laughing.
I looked at him and said what took so long?
He looked at me and said he has never told a girl he loved them, other then his family.
And he was so scared of wasting an a I love you on a girl.
He wanted to be sure I was the one before he used the love word.
We drove home for that hour ride taking about our future, and taking about love
and our upcoming marriage.
Oh man I just love my husband!
I am so grateful and honored I got the first and last I love you!
I am so grateful and honored I got the first and last I love you!
The Wedding......
to be continued..
:) Holly, that's awesome. I'm eagerly awaiting the rest!
ReplyDeleteAgreed. :) I'm also on the edge of my seat, waiting for more...
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad you wrote this all down! I know that I need to write my story down, too, because every time I think about it, I always think I'm going to forget parts when I tell it. Writing it out will help me remember everything more clearly! Love, love this!!