
Lams Canyon

We headed up to Lam's canyon to escape the cool.
We got to stay in such a fun cabin with the Gowdy's.
My favorite part is that we had no cell phone service and we got 
to be as a family and have a great time.
Time like this is rare anymore and we love every moment.
We got to hike, play games, read, and be in nature.
Couldn't ask for a better time.
Thanks Gowdys

Our drive up Lam's canyon was gorgeous.
I didn't want it to end.
The best part is you got to this gate 
and still there was another 30 min drive up to the cabin.

Aleksandra with Park City view behind her.

The crew hiking to the lake.

Ya still snow in July, crazy.

My cute family at the lake.

On our hike.

Crossing the beaver Dams it was so fun!!

Aleksandra pretending to blow bubbles with the fire poker, so creative.

Our bathroom for the next three days.
Got to love out houses.

Our cafe rio hack salads, so yummy.

Playing outside.

The many faces of Aleksandra.

She loves nature.

The girls by the fire.

The boys by the fire.

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