
My thought from the other day

Life Lesson #135674835

Sometimes it's OK to go to bed angry.

Sometimes it's OK to go to bed angry.
 I'm a pretty stubborn person.
I can stay mad for quite some time if I want to.

Because of this it was no surprise that when Mike and I sat down before getting married he indicated that he would like me to include a promise to "never go to bed angry".  I thought:  Sure.  That sounds like a good thing to promise.  Why would I want to go to bed angry anyway?  That sounds miserable.

Fast forward 3 years.... I now know exactly why I'd want to go to bed angry.  Sometimes I'm just way too freaking irritated and exhausted to work things out right then and there and I know that if I have to talk to Mike any more at that moment I might go postal on him.

Now, before you get all "that's just going to cause repressed issues" on me in the comments, let me explain....

I am a huge advocate for fighting fair and fighting quickly.  I think that hashing out problems as they arise is key to a happy and healthy marriage.  BUT, fighting when you're tired and grumpy is NOT fair....especially if you turn into a completely irrational jerk like I do.

I don't go to bed angry often, but when it's late and I know I'm probably just being an emotional basket case due to lack of sleep, I know it's better to sleep on it and then talk it out in the morning.  Usually by then though, I don't even remember what I was so upset about anyway.  

Everything looks brighter in day light :).
thanks to Gosslets for this post


  1. I hear you girl. I definitely get irrational when I'm tired... and being a woman, I'm sometimes just irrational... tired or not. I always have to have some time to just be mad, and work it out in my head. By then, I'm usually just over it.

  2. I agree! We have REALLY tried to not go to bed angry. But at night, Bryant is the one who is too cranky, tired and irrational to work it out with. Its POINTLESS to get my feelings, thoughts or point across. lol Plus, for me, if I carry it til morning all threw the night I cant sleep and keep thinking of good come backs or ways to ignore him or whatever. lol while he sleeps like a baby, which ends up irritating me more. Right now, pretty much EVERYTHING upsets me. So I have informed him that everything is going to offend me or make me cry, so choose your words carefully...I am hormonal! LOL So I have decided to let things go when we have an arguement around bed time. If its big enough, which is RARELY is, then I will talk it out despite how tired he is. thats out method. lets see how well it works 5 yrs down the road! LOL


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