

Where to begin?
So lately I have pretty upset/disappointed, yes me I am a baby!

So my ankle has been KILLING me non stop now.
And finally I made a doctors appointment while I had sometime off work.

So then I went to the doctors appointment
 the doctor then takes some X-Rays of my ankle.
He checks it out and says "Oh MAN Hollie"
And I say "well, lay it on thick".
I should of thought twice before saying that.

Rewind 5 years ago, I broke my ankle in a car wreck and now it has
8 screws, 2 pins, 2 plates, and some wire holding it together.
Really I am lucky to have an ankle, and I thank God everyday for my life, and ankle.

Anyway as we are sitting there in the doctors office and the doctor looks at me
and looks back and forth at the new and old x-rays.
He says that my ankle is not looking good at all.
He says I am looking at getting my ankle fused in 10 years.

There in that Ankle office, I broke down!
I know it sounds stupid but who really wants a fused ankle at age 36?
I tried keeping the tears back, but I couldn't I just cried.

So now begins the process of physical therapy all over again.
Twice a week, at 7 am I am in that office trying to prolong me getting my Ankle fused.

Then this morning I am in the Doctors office again, and another big blow.
The doctor says I can't run anymore.
He said running is the dumbest thing I could ever do on my ankle.
Most likely he said this is what caused all the pain and problem to reoccur. 

So for now I am trying to remain cheerful and strong.
Even though my emotions want to take over.
And all I want to do is hide myself lately.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Hollie, I'm so sorry!!! Hopefully the physical therapy/no running will prevent you from having to fuse it! You're in our prayers.


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