
Ginger bread

For tonight's Achievement Days activity we did Ginger bread houses and a huge shout out for Jean for making these for us. Usually a normal person would go and buy one from a box but know she just loves these girls so much and she is amazing and talented she made them from scratch. These girls really got to reap the benefit of her hard work Thanks Jean, for doing this for us! 

These girls loved every minute and the minute they saw these ginger bread houses their tongues and hearts melted. We really are so lucky to have so many amazing people who help us donate their time and energy to these girls thanks everyone.
All the girls getting ready to decorate their house.
In the middle of decorating. I can actually say I have never seen these girls focus so hard and work so hard on something. All I had to do was sit back and eat the candy and make sure Aleksandra didn't eat too much candy!
The group with all there finished houses.
 Valentina and Shalia, so proud of themselves.

 Marrissa and Dejash giggling with joy. They where so excited to go show there parents.

 Alex and Megan work so hard, they loved every moment.