
Girls Night

Best girls night to date. The hotel was already booked Thursday night and couldn't be canceled so we took advantage of a night out of the house
and away from the everyday mundane. 
We got cozy watching a movie together.
It's fun now that she is old enoung becasue she watched the movie
all the way through and she even laughed at the funny parts.
Aleksandra styaed up way past her bedtime but it was way worth it.
As we all know that is what girls nights are about.
The next day we got to go swimming at the hotel
which she loved to pieces espeically since the pool was so warm and no one
was in it (thank you business travelers).
We ate at the hotels nice breakfast buffet and made sure we 
had full stomachs before our naps.
It turned out to be an awesome night and very refreshing escape.
I learned from this was all in all my family is all that matters in life.
I don't need anyone but them and couldn't be happier.
Thanks Aleksandra for such a fun girls night!
Watching a Movie and eating Popcorn, Yum Yum!
Our delicious microwave popcorn that was perfect for our girls night!
My best girlfriend EVER.
Us getting ready to go to bed.