

This morning my sleep was interrupted by my phone ringing.
i was alarmed because it felt like the middle of the night.
and i thought, "who would be calling me in the middle of the night?"
it was a number i didn't have saved in my phone, so i quickly rejected it.
then looked at the time: 6:57.

darn you, utah winters.
you're tricky.

on any other given day my alarm would ring (just like the phone call ring)
and i would have no trouble basically turning it off in my sleep and quickly returning to my dream-filled slumber.
but this morning, i tossed and turned.
and was frustrated that i couldn't return to sleep.

Mike rolled over and his face rested on his pillow a good five inches from the back of my neck.
every exhale of his i would get a cold tingly shot of air that trickled down my back.
i laid there for a good five minutes anticipating the breath coming from my handsome husband.

slow. steady. and sure.

i thought about how we met, our first date, our first kiss...
i can still remember it so clearly.

i love moments like these.


no worldly distractions.

i can sit and be grateful that he is mine and i am his.
mornings are my favorite.
 some time later i return to sleep and husband wakes to get ready for school.

he leans over and kisses me goodbye and i usually try to tell him in a half-awake-consciousness about my crazy dream i just had.

All I know is.......

i love being married.

1 comment:

  1. That's so sweet Hollie. I hear you, I love quiet moments myself.


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