

All nice and happy, before we entered the tunnel of horror!

This is the tunnel that began our journey...
If I knew where this tunnel was going to take us
I would have taken the bus through it or gone around it.
Anyway so it begins like this,
Mike and I are walking north bound in this tunnel on the side walk.
And as you can see there is not a a ton of room and I am pushing Aleksandra in the stroller.
As I continue to push along the tunnel not paying attention, 
I get dead stopped by a man right in front of our stroller.
He won't go around around our stroller he persist on counting his current path.
So I say "excuse me" in a snotty tone because he was being rude!
And he continued to hold his ground and he wouldn't move.
So after that I decide to pivot the stroller around this dummy, 
and in doing so I clip his shoe (he is wearing basket ball shoes btw).
He looks at me with so much anger and kicks me in my leg.
And then countine to swear and me in English and then mutter 
a whole bunch of crap in Chinese (fyi we are in china town).
I just push the stroller out of the way and try to walk as fast as I can.
All I know is I have never witness more
craziness and rudeness in a person and so caught off guard by what happened.
After we where out of the tunnel I broke down into tears.
More of the fear and furstration of just what happened.
Seriously people like that man should never be allowed on the street.

This is the bruise I have left from the crazy Asian Man!


  1. Oh man, I would have beat that guy and said I was protecting myself. Seriously, he attacked you first so you had the right to throw him into the oncoming traffic.

  2. that bruise is awful! I can't believe what a mark it left!


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