

Yes, you make think the title of this blog post is weird.
But this is how I came to get a hold of this gorgeous hutch.
The people who where getting rid of the hutch
are getting divorce and wanting to get rid of everything they owned together .
So I snagged this beauty right up.
I got it for 150 bucks on our local classifieds.
Thanks to Tamie for helping me load it up!.

My love/divorce hutch.

The one drawer opened crammed full already!
My antique Pyrex bowls, my Mom got me. I drool over them all day. You can see them nesting in the hutch.
My hutch again, so happy with the results.


  1. Anonymous9.3.11

    I love love LOVE it Hollie!!!!

  2. Anonymous9.3.11

    I LOVE it!!!!!

  3. Good score on the hutch! It's really pretty.

    I love your bowls. LOVE them. Colt's Grandma has this set of pyrex bowls that I'm dying over. They are in vintage teal and have little scenes on them, like of people on ferris wheels. I seriously need them and can barely contain myself from putting one in my purse when we go for dinner.

  4. Nice work Hollie...divorce hutches are the best!;) It looks fabulous.

  5. Fantastic find! You have such a good eye! We need to go to the D.I. again soon!


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